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CICAPAIR TIGER GRASS CALMING MASK 5 Sheets ◆ 20% sale off ◆ $21--->$16.8

针对特定情况选择“正确”的镇静成分和面膜(Select “RIGHT” calming ingredients and face mask for a certain situation)

 ​​Sudden skin troubles

Don’t apply, but patch to calm down

If you have sudden pimples

 1. Tea Tree Leaf Extract  (茶树叶提取物)

#If you have sudden pimples   (如果你突然长青春痘)                                           

It has an excellent disinfecting effect by quickly soothes skin damage and bacterial infections.

exposed to the hot sun for a long time

2. Aloe Vera Leaf Extract (芦荟叶提取物)

#exposed to the hot sun for a long time (长时间暴露在烈日下)

It soothes sensitive skin that exposed to heat and ultraviolet rays by rich moisture and high absorption effect.

skin that flushed red at any time

3. Chamomile Extract (洋甘菊提取物)

 #skin that flushed red at any time (随时泛红的皮肤)

It soothes the skin, which easily reddened by pigmentation and expansion of capillaries.

sensitive skin due to external harmful environments like wearing masks for a long time

4.  Calendula Extract(金盞花萃取液)

#sensitive skin due to external harmful environments like wearing masks for a long time


It is recommended for sensitive skin, which contains without negative elements. It is effective for minimizing irritation and improving skin damage.

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