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化妆品相容性??!!(Do you know there is ‘COSMETIC COMPATIBILITY’?!)

Do you know there is ‘COSMETIC COMPATIBILITY’?

It is not worth it if you apply these products together!


1.	Pore Care products + Anti-aging products

1. Pore Care products + Anti-aging products (毛孔护理产品+抗衰老产品)

Suppression of sebum + high oil content => lowering the effect of the product

(抑制皮脂 + 高油含量 => 降低产品效果)

Anti-aging products contain a lot of oil to prevent skin aging and mange elasticity. On the other hand, pore care products control oil to suppressed the sebum.

If you use both at the same time, there is no effect to improve your skin.

TIP. When focusing on pore care, it is recommended to use anti-aging as a moisture essence.

2. Retinol Product + Vitamin C Product

2. Retinol Product + Vitamin C Product (视黄醇产品+维生素C产品)

 Fat solubility + water solubility => absorption decreases, skin irritation


Retinol which is a type of vitamin A(fat soluble) and vitamin C(water-soluble) cannot be absorbed together because it doesn’t mix.

Furthermore, there is a possibility to irritate the skin and make sensitive if you apply retinol products(sub acidic) and vitamin C(acidic) at the same time.

3. Vitamin C product + Collagen Product

3. Vitamin C product + Collagen Product (维生素C产品+胶原蛋白产品)

Collagens’ protein coagulation + protein contents => Each ingredient decreases absorption

If you use both products, they are not absorbed into the skin because Vitamin C coagulate collagens’ protein. Therefore, if you use both at the same time, nothing absorbs in the face.

TIP It is recommended to use collagen products at night and Vitamin C products during the day.

4. Moisturizing Product + Lifting Product

4. Moisturizing Product + Lifting Product (保湿产品+提拉产品)

A lot of moisture + Caffeine ingredients absorb moisture=> reduce the effect of applying


Lifting products contain caffeine, which absorbs and discharge moisture. Therefore, even if you apply a moisturizing product, you cannot see any effect

TIP. It is better to apply the lifting product at night rather day during the day because UV ray takes moisture away.

5. Trouble care Product + Exfoliation Products

5. Trouble care Product + Exfoliation Products (麻烦护理产品+去角质产品)

Salicylic acid component removes the dead skin + Exfoliating => doubly stimulate the face


Trouble care products contain antibacterial and exfoliating ingredients (BAH). If you use both at the same time, your skin may become sensitive because both contains acidic ingredients.

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