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The true and false of scalp care

The common misconception that causes scalp lesions 
Take care of the scalp on the right way! 

Shampoo should be selected according to the hair condition /Dandruff is always caused by dryness

1. Shampoo should be selected according to the hair condition / NO
Since shampoo is directly used on the scalp, it should be selected based on the scalp condition. Treatments and conditioners should be selected according to the hair condition.

2. Dandruff is always caused by dryness / NO
Dandruff can be caused by various causes like due to excessive sebum, scalp dead skin cells, residues of hair products, excessive stress and etc.

. Comb can be used with the whole family /I should dry my hair before the scalp

3. Comb can be used with the whole family / NO
Since germs in your hair can be spread through the comb, you should use a personal comb, and it's recommended to clean it once a week to keep it clean.

4. I should dry my hair before the scalp / NO
The wet scalp is breeding ground for germs and bacteria, so you need to dry the scalp before your hair. Also, do not wring or rub it with a towel.

. Treatments and conditioners should be applied on the scalp

5. Treatments and conditioners should be applied on the scalp / NO
If treatments and conditioners are not washed properly, pores can be clogged or residues might be accumulated which cause various allergic symptoms and inflammation.
※ Some hair products function as scalp care, so it is recommended to read the instructions before using.


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